Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Really Lucky (And I Definitely Don't Take It For Granted)

[This is a guest post by Franklin Kao]

Hellooooo all! The owner of this blog (my lovely girlfriend) has been "encouraging" (some would call it "coercing") me to start a blog for quite some time now. Since that didn't work, she found a compromise and got me to occasionally post on her blog here.

So that got me thinking ... what is my first blog post going to be about? Seeing as how I just got back from work, my mind went there first of course, and luckily, there was a very interesting thing that happened at work today that got me thinking about my life...

For those of you who don't know where I work (which is probably most, if not all), I work at FOX Sports as an Associate Producer. I've helped produce shows for College Football, Soccer and the World Series!

Now, every Tuesday, our production staff holds a general meeting discussing the week's upcoming projects. It usually runs the same way: 1) Our head producer - aka boss - talks about what went well and what could be improved from the previous week's show, 2) We talk about what this week's show will entail and figure out what storylines we want to focus on, what pieces need to be cut and what needs to get shot 3) and lastly, we discuss any other special events or items that we should keep an eye out for in the coming weeks.

BOOM! That's when things took a turn.

After our meeting finished it's usual routine, the boss brought up a fact that there was a Production Assistant (read: lowest dude on the totem pole in production) who showed up late to work for our race on Sunday and when he/she was confronted about it by his/her superior, talked back and had a bad attitude about it.

The lead producer ended up talking to the PAs about how they need to relish the fact that they're working for a highly regarded company and that there are hundreds of people that would love to have their jobs. This sentiment was then echoed by a couple other producers and the meeting ended.

This little incident at work just reinforced something that I think about all the time...and though it's assumed, I was glad to see that most of my peers and superiors feel the same way.

I'm Really Lucky.

I might be the luckiest guy in the world.

But I definitely don't take that for granted.

I realize that I'm working for a company that I dreamed about working for in college. And every day I wake up understanding that.

I work incredibly hard because I know that I've been given a privilege to work there. I get to watch, talk about and think about sports all day long. In fact, I have to! It's my job :) ! I know there are hundreds of people out there vying for my job because I was one of them, and I never forget that.

I also realize that I've been lucky beyond the workplace. I was given the opportunity to attend and graduate from the greatest university in the world. My family has always been loving and supportive towards me. I've made incredibly smart, funny and intriguing friends everywhere I've gone. And I managed to find the most perfect girlfriend who complements me in every way.

Basically, I am just so appreciative of everything that has happened to me and I never want to take it for granted. I will continue to work my hardest to be the best employee possible and to also be the best person possible because that's the least I can do after I've been dealt this great of a hand.

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